This document describes how we map the checklist data to Darwin Core. The source file for this document can be found here.

Load libraries:

library(tidyverse)      # To do data science
library(magrittr)       # To use %<>% pipes
library(here)           # To find files
library(janitor)        # To clean input data
library(readxl)         # To read Excel files
library(digest)         # To generate hashes

Set file paths (all paths should be relative to this script):

# Raw files:
raw_data_file = "../data/raw/AI_2016_Boets_etal_Supplement.xls"
sources_file = "../data/raw/sources.tsv"

# Processed files:
dwc_taxon_file = "../data/processed/dwc_checklist/taxon.csv"
dwc_distribution_file = "../data/processed/dwc_checklist/distribution.csv"
dwc_profile_file = "../data/processed/dwc_checklist/speciesprofile.csv"
dwc_description_file = "../data/processed/dwc_checklist/description.csv"

1 Read and pre-process raw data

Create a data frame raw_data from the source data:

# Read the source data:
raw_data <- read_excel(raw_data_file, sheet = "checklist", na = "NA") 
sources <- read.table(sources_file, sep = "\t", quote = "", colClasses = "character",  fileEncoding = "UTF8", header = T)

Clean the data somewhat: remove empty rows if present:

raw_data %<>%
  remove_empty("rows") %>%    # Remove empty rows
  clean_names()               # Have sensible (lowercase) column names

1.1 Generate taxonID

To uniquely identify a taxon in the taxon core and reference taxa in the extensions, we need a taxonID. Since we need it in all generated files, we generate it here in the raw data frame. It is a combination of dataset-shortname:taxon: and a hash based on the scientific name. As long as the scientific name doesn’t change, the ID will be stable:

# Vectorize the digest function (The digest() function isn't vectorized. So if you pass in a vector, you get one value for the whole vector rather than a digest for each element of the vector):
vdigest <- Vectorize(digest)

# Generate taxonID:
raw_data %<>% mutate(taxon_id = paste("alien-macroinvertebrates-checklist", "taxon", vdigest(species, algo="md5"), sep = ":"))

1.2 Use full references

The raw data contains (abbreviated) citations in raw_reference (e.g. van Haaren and Soors 2009). We want to use full reference (e.g. van Haaren T, Soors J (2009) Sinelobus stanfordi (Richardson, 1901): a new crustacean invader in Europe. Aquatic Invasions 4: 703–711,, which are stored in a separate sources file. We will join the two here, so we can use this information in the core and/or extensions.

Clean raw_reference somewhat:

raw_data %<>% mutate(reference = recode(reference,
  "Adam  and Leloup 1934" = "Adam and Leloup 1934", # Remove whitespace
  "Van  Haaren and Soors 2009" = "van Haaren and Soors 2009", # Remove whitespace and lowercase "van"
  "This study" = "Boets et al. 2016",
  "Nyst 1835; Adam 1947" = "Nyst 1835 | Adam 1947" )

Left join raw_data with sources on references = citation:

raw_data %<>% 
  left_join(sources, by = c("reference" = "citation"))

Show result (note: Boets. et al. unpub data and Collection RBINS don’t have a full reference):

raw_data %>% 
  mutate(full_reference = substr(full_reference, 1, 50)) %>% # Shorten full_reference to make it easier to display
  select(reference, full_reference) %>%
  group_by_all %>%
  summarize(records = n()) %>%

1.3 Further pre-processing:

Add prefix raw_ to all column names to avoid name clashes with Darwin Core terms:

colnames(raw_data) <- paste0("raw_", colnames(raw_data))

Preview data:


2 Create taxon core

taxon <- raw_data

2.1 Term mapping

Map the data to Darwin Core Taxon.

2.1.1 language

taxon %<>% mutate(language = "en")

2.1.2 license

taxon %<>% mutate(license = "")

2.1.3 rightsHolder

taxon %<>% mutate(rightsHolder = "Ghent University Aquatic Ecology")

2.1.4 datasetID

taxon  %<>% mutate(datasetID = "")

2.1.5 datasetName

taxon %<>% mutate(datasetName = "Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium")

2.1.6 taxonID

taxon %<>% mutate(taxonID = raw_taxon_id)

2.1.7 scientificName

taxon %<>% mutate(scientificName = raw_species) %>% mutate(scientificName = str_trim(scientificName))

Verify that scientificName contains unique values:

any(duplicated(taxon$scientificName)) # Should be FALSE
## [1] FALSE

2.1.8 kingdom

taxon %<>% mutate(kingdom = "Animalia")

2.1.9 phylum

taxon %<>% mutate(phylum = recode(raw_phylum,
  "Crustacea" = "Arthropoda" # Crustacea is a subphylum, the correct phylum is "Arthropoda"

2.1.10 order

taxon %<>%
  mutate(order = recode(raw_order,
    "Veneroidea" = "Venerida" # Correct typo
  )) %>%
  mutate(order = str_trim(order)) # Oddly, not all whitespace got detected and trimmed by read_excel

2.1.11 family

taxon %<>% mutate(family = raw_family)

2.1.12 taxonRank

taxon %<>% mutate(taxonRank = case_when(
  raw_species == "Dreissena rostriformis bugensis" ~ "subspecies",
  raw_species != "Dreissena rostriformis bugensis" ~ "species")

2.1.13 nomenclaturalCode

taxon %<>% mutate(nomenclaturalCode = "ICZN")

2.2 Post-processing

Remove the original columns:

taxon %<>% select(-starts_with("raw_"))

Sort on taxonID:

taxon %<>% arrange(taxonID)

Preview data:


Save to CSV:

write_csv(taxon, dwc_taxon_file, na = "")

3 Create distribution extension

distribution <- raw_data

3.1 Term mapping

Map the data to Species Distribution.

3.1.1 taxonID

distribution %<>% mutate(taxonID = raw_taxon_id)

3.1.2 locationID

distribution %<>% mutate(locationID = "ISO_3166-2:BE-VLG")

3.1.3 locality

distribution %<>% mutate(locality = "Flemish Region")

3.1.4 countryCode

distribution %<>% mutate(countryCode = "BE")

3.1.5 occurrenceStatus

distribution %<>% mutate(occurrenceStatus = "present")

3.1.6 establishmentMeans

We use the GBIF controlled vocabulary for this term. For this dataset, all species are introduced (= alien):

distribution %<>% mutate(establishmentMeans = "introduced")

3.1.7 eventDate

The distribution information applies to a certain date range, which we will express here as an ISO 8601 date yyyy/yyyy (start_year/end_year).

The date information can be found in raw_first_occurrence_in_flanders, but it is currently expressed in different formats: yyyy, < yyyy, <yyyy, before yyyy and yyyy-yyyy:

distribution %>%
  distinct(raw_first_occurrence_in_flanders) %>%

We remove the special characters from raw_first_occurrence_in_flanders and save as year:

distribution %<>% mutate(year = str_replace_all(raw_first_occurrence_in_flanders, "(< |before |<)", ""))

Then, we split the information on - to get a start_year and end_year. Most records won’t have an end_year. For those we’ll consider the publication year of Boets et al. (2016) as the date when the presence of the species was last verified:

distribution %<>%
  separate(year, into = c("start_year", "end_year"), sep = "-") %>% # Separate year
  mutate(end_year = case_when( ~ "2016",
    TRUE ~ end_year)

Create eventDate by combining start_year/end_year:

distribution %<>% mutate(eventDate = paste(start_year, end_year, sep = "/"))

Compare formatted dates with original dates in raw_first_occurrence_in_flanders:

distribution %>%
  distinct(raw_first_occurrence_in_flanders, eventDate) %>%

3.1.8 source

distribution %<>% mutate(source = raw_full_reference)

3.2 Post-processing

Remove the original columns:

distribution %<>% select(-starts_with("raw_"), -start_year, -end_year)

Sort on taxonID:

distribution %<>% arrange(taxonID)

Preview data:

distribution %>%
  mutate(source = substr(source, 1, 10)) %>% # Shorten source to make it easier to display

Save to CSV:

write_csv(distribution, dwc_distribution_file, na = "")

4 Create species profile extension

In this extension will express broad habitat characteristics (e.g. isMarine) of the species.

species_profile <- raw_data

Habitat information can be found in raw_salinity_zone, which describes whether a species is found in brackish (B), freshwater (F), marine (M) or combined (B/M or F/B) salinity zones.

Show unique values:

species_profile %>%
  distinct(raw_salinity_zone) %>%

This is a manually created overview of how we will map the raw_salinity_zone to isMarine, isFreshwater and isTerrestrial. Note: the latter term is added for completeness, but will be FALSE for all species in this dataset:

4.1 Term mapping

Map the data to Species Profile.

4.1.1 taxonID

species_profile %<>% mutate(taxonID = raw_taxon_id)

4.1.2 isMarine

species_profile %<>% mutate(isMarine = case_when(
  raw_salinity_zone == "M" | raw_salinity_zone == "B/M" | raw_salinity_zone == "B" ~ "TRUE",

4.1.3 isFreshwater

species_profile %<>% mutate(isFreshwater = case_when(
  raw_salinity_zone == "F" | raw_salinity_zone == "F/B" | raw_salinity_zone == "B" ~ "TRUE",

4.1.4 isTerrestrial

species_profile %<>% mutate(isTerrestrial = "FALSE")

Show mapped values:

species_profile %>%
  select(raw_salinity_zone, isMarine, isFreshwater, isTerrestrial) %>%
  group_by_all() %>%
  summarize(records = n())

4.2 Post-processing

Remove the original columns:

species_profile %<>% select(-starts_with("raw_"))

Sort on taxonID:

species_profile %<>% arrange(taxonID)

Preview data:

species_profile %>% head()

Save to CSV:

write_csv(species_profile, dwc_profile_file, na = "")

5 Create description extension

In the description extension we want to include several important characteristics (hereafter refered to as descriptors) about the species:

  • Native range
  • Pathway of introduction
  • Invasion stage

The structure of the description extension is slightly different from the other core/extension files: information for a specific taxon (linked to taxonID) is provided in multipele lines within the csv file: one line per taxon per descriptor. In this way, we are able to include multipele descriptors for each species.

For each descriptor, we create a separate dataframe to process the specific information. We always specify which descriptor we map (type column) and its specific content (description column). After the mapping of these Darwin Core terms type and value, we merge the dataframes to generate one single description extension. We then continue the mapping process by adding the other Darwin Core terms (which content is independent of the type of descriptor, such as language).

5.1 Native range

Native range information (e.g. South-America) can be found in raw_origin.

Create separate dataframe:

native_range <- raw_data

Show unique values:

native_range %>%
  distinct(raw_origin) %>%

raw_origin contains multiple values (currently not more than 3), so we separate it in 3 columns:

native_range %<>% separate(raw_origin, 
  into = c("native_range_1", "native_range_2", "native_range_3"),
  sep = ", ",
  remove = TRUE,
  convert = FALSE,
  extra = "merge",
  fill = "right"

Gather in a key and value column:

native_range %<>% gather(
  key, value,
  native_range_1, native_range_2, native_range_3,
  na.rm = TRUE, # Also removes records for which there is no native_range_1
  convert = FALSE

Map values:

native_range %<>% mutate(mapped_value = recode(value,
  "East-Asia" = "East Asia",
  "East-Europe" = "Eastern Europe",
  "Indio-Pacific" = "Indo-Pacific",
  "North-Africa" = "North Africa",
  "North-America" = "Northern America",
  "Northeast-Asia" = "Northeast Asia",
  "South-America" = "South America",
  "South-Europe" = "Southern Europe",
  "Southeast-Asia" = "Southeast Asia",
  "Southern hemisphere" = "Southern Hemisphere",
  "USA" = "United States",
  "West-Africa" = "West Africa",
  "West-Atlantic" = "Western Atlantic"

Show mapped values:

native_range %>%
  select(value, mapped_value) %>%
  group_by(value, mapped_value) %>%
  summarize(records = n()) %>%

Drop the key and value columns and rename mapped_value as description:

native_range %<>%
  select(-key, -value) %>%
  rename(description = mapped_value)

Create a type field to indicate the type of description:

native_range %<>% mutate(type = "native range")

5.2 Pathway of introduction

Pathway information (e.g. aquaculture) can be found in raw_pathway_of_introduction. This original information was interpreted by @timadriaens to a more standardized value in raw_pathway_mapping (with remarks about this transformation in raw_pathway_mapping_remarks).

Create separate dataframe:

pathway <- raw_data

Show unique values:

native_range %>%
  distinct(raw_pathway_mapping) %>%

raw_pathway_mapping contains multiple values (currently not more than 3), so we separate it in 3 columns:

pathway %<>% separate(raw_pathway_mapping, 
  into = c("pathway_1", "pathway_2", "pathway_3"),
  sep = " \\| ",
  remove = TRUE,
  convert = FALSE,
  extra = "merge",
  fill = "right"

Gather in a key and value column:

pathway %<>% gather(
  key, value,
  pathway_1, pathway_2, pathway_3,
  na.rm = TRUE, # Also removes records for which there is no pathway_1
  convert = FALSE

We use the CBD 2014 pathway vocabulary to standardize this information. The vocubulary has these values.

Map values:

pathway %<>% mutate (mapped_value = recode(value,
  "Aquaculture" = "escape_aquaculture",
  "Aquaculture / mariculture" = "escape_aquaculture",
  "Contaminant on animals (except parasites, species transported by host/vector)" = "contaminant_on_animals",
  "Interconnected waterways/basins/seas" = "corridor_water",
  "Mariculture" = "escape_aquaculture",
  "Other means of transport" = "stowaway_other",
  "Pet/aquarium/terrarium species (including live food for such species )" = "escape_pet",
  "Ship/boat ballast water" = "stowaway_ballast_water",
  "Ship/boat hull fouling" = "stowaway_hull_fouling"))

Add the prefix cbd_2014_pathway: to refer to this standard:

pathway %<>% mutate(mapped_value = paste ("cbd_2014_pathway", mapped_value, sep = ":"))

Show mapped values:

pathway %>%
  select(value, mapped_value) %>%
  group_by(value, mapped_value) %>%
  summarize(records = n()) %>%

Drop the key and value columns and rename mapped_value as description:

pathway %<>%
  select(-key, -value) %>%
  rename(description = mapped_value)

Create a type field to indicate the type of description:

pathway %<>% mutate(type = "pathway")

5.2.1 Invasion stage

There is no invasion stage information (e.g. casual) in the raw data, but we want to add it none the less.

Create separate dataframe:

invasion_stage <- raw_data

We use the invasion stage vocabulary from Blackburn et al. (2011) to standardize this information.

Here, we consider all species to be established as they come from live samples in running waters. We decided not to use the terms naturalized (because often, there’s no sensible criterium to distinguish between casual/naturalized of naturalized/established) and invasive (which is a term that can only be applied after a risk assessment).

invasion_stage %<>% mutate(description = "established")

Create a type field to indicate the type of description:

invasion_stage %<>% mutate(type = "invasion stage")

5.3 Union descriptions

Union native range, pathway of introduction and invasion stage:

description_ext <- bind_rows(native_range, pathway, invasion_stage)

5.4 Term mapping

Map the data to Taxon Description.

5.4.1 taxonID

description_ext %<>% mutate(taxonID = raw_taxon_id)

5.4.2 description

description_ext %<>% mutate(description = description)

5.4.3 type

description_ext %<>% mutate(type = type)

5.4.4 source

description_ext %<>% mutate(source = raw_full_reference)

5.4.5 language

description_ext %<>% mutate(language = "en")

5.5 Post-processing

Remove the original columns:

description_ext %<>% select(-starts_with("raw_"))

Move taxonID to the first position:

description_ext %<>% select(taxonID, everything())

Sort on taxonID:

description_ext %<>% arrange(taxonID)

Preview data:

description_ext %>% 
  mutate(source = substr(source, 1, 10)) %>% # Shorten source to make it easier to display

Save to CSV:

write_csv(description_ext, dwc_description_file, na = "")