This document describes how to get the cumulative number of taxa identified as alien in Belgium.

1 Setup

Load libraries:

library(tidyverse) # To do datascience
library(magrittr) # To use extract2 function
library(tidylog) # To provide feedback on dplyr functions
library(here) # To find files
library(trias) # To use functions developed for TrIAS
library(INBOtheme) # To use INBO theme for graphs

2 Get data

data_file <- here::here(
data <- read_tsv(data_file,
  na = "",
  guess_max = 5000

3 Cumulative number of introductions of alien species

We use function indicator_total_year from trias library.

3.1 Select taxa at Belgian level

We select data at national level (no regional distributions):

data <-
  data %>%
  tidylog::filter(locationId == "ISO_3166:BE")

3.2 Grouping by kingdom

We group data by kingdom:

facet_column <- "kingdom"