This document describes the modelling to assess the emerging status of alien species.

1 Setup

Load libraries:

library(tidyverse) # To do data science
## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.3.3
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.3.3
library(tidyselect) # To help tidyverse functions
## Warning: package 'tidyselect' was built under R version 4.3.3
library(tidylog) # To provide feedback on dplyr functions
library(rgbif) # To get information from GBIF
library(lubridate) # To work with dates
library(here) # To find files
library(INBOtheme) # To load graphic INBO theme

2 Get data

We read the time series data, output of preprocessing pipeline:

df_ts <- read_tsv(
  file = here::here("data", "interim", "df_timeseries.tsv"),
  na = ""

Columns pa_obs and pa_cobs indicate the presence (1) or absence (0) of the specific taxon and any other taxa within same class respectively.


# Get a taxon
taxon <-

# Preview
df_ts %>%
    taxonKey == taxon,
    year %in% c(2016, 2017),
    eea_cell_code == "1kmE3924N3102"

Retrieve scientific names which will be useful to better discuss the results.

spec_names <- read_tsv(
  file = here::here("data", "interim", "timeseries_taxonomic_info.tsv"),
  na = ""
) %>%
  tidylog::select(taxonKey, canonicalName) %>%
  tidylog::filter(taxonKey %in% df_ts$taxonKey)

Add column isBelgium to the time series data to simplify the code while running the modelling for both Belgium and its regions:

df_ts$isBelgium <- TRUE

Define function to lump geographic information for Belgium, its regions and protected areas:

filter_compact_time_series <- function(df, col_to_filter) {
  df %>%
    tidylog::filter(!!sym(col_to_filter) == TRUE) %>%
    tidylog::group_by(taxonKey, year, classKey) %>%
      obs = sum(obs),
      cobs = sum(cobs),
      ncells = sum(pa_obs),
      c_ncells = sum(pa_cobs)
    ) %>%

Apply the function to the time series data:

colnames_to_filter <- c(
df_ts_compact <- purrr::map(
  function(x) filter_compact_time_series(df = df_ts, col_to_filter = x)
) %>%

We have now a compact version of the time series data for:

## [1] "isBelgium"  "isFlanders" "isWallonia" "isBrussels" "natura2000"


df_ts_compact %>% head()
## $isBelgium
## # A tibble: 46,592 × 7
##    taxonKey  year classKey   obs  cobs ncells c_ncells
##       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1  1003567  2014      139     1     0      1        0
##  2  1003567  2015      139     0     0      0        0
##  3  1003567  2016      139     0     0      0        0
##  4  1003567  2017      139     0     0      0        0
##  5  1003567  2018      139     3     0      2        0
##  6  1003567  2019      139     0     0      0        0
##  7  1003567  2020      139     0     0      0        0
##  8  1003567  2021      139     0     0      0        0
##  9  1003567  2022      139     0     0      0        0
## 10  1003567  2023      139     0     0      0        0
## # ℹ 46,582 more rows
## $isFlanders
## # A tibble: 45,073 × 7
##    taxonKey  year classKey   obs  cobs ncells c_ncells
##       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1  1003567  2014      139     1     0      1        0
##  2  1003567  2015      139     0     0      0        0
##  3  1003567  2016      139     0     0      0        0
##  4  1003567  2017      139     0     0      0        0
##  5  1003567  2018      139     3     0      2        0
##  6  1003567  2019      139     0     0      0        0
##  7  1003567  2020      139     0     0      0        0
##  8  1003567  2021      139     0     0      0        0
##  9  1003567  2022      139     0     0      0        0
## 10  1003567  2023      139     0     0      0        0
## # ℹ 45,063 more rows
## $isWallonia
## # A tibble: 32,230 × 7
##    taxonKey  year classKey   obs  cobs ncells c_ncells
##       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1  1016841  2020      361     1     0      1        0
##  2  1016841  2021      361     0     0      0        0
##  3  1016841  2022      361     0     0      0        0
##  4  1016841  2023      361     0     0      0        0
##  5  1016841  2024      361     0     0      0        0
##  6  1017419  2009      361     0     0      0        0
##  7  1017419  2010      361     0     0      0        0
##  8  1017419  2011      361     0     0      0        0
##  9  1017419  2012      361     0     0      0        0
## 10  1017419  2013      361     0     0      0        0
## # ℹ 32,220 more rows
## $isBrussels
## # A tibble: 21,654 × 7
##    taxonKey  year classKey   obs  cobs ncells c_ncells
##       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1  1017419  2009      361     0     0      0        0
##  2  1017419  2010      361     0     0      0        0
##  3  1017419  2011      361     0     0      0        0
##  4  1017419  2012      361     0     0      0        0
##  5  1017419  2013      361     0     0      0        0
##  6  1017419  2014      361     0     0      0        0
##  7  1017419  2015      361     0     0      0        0
##  8  1017419  2016      361     0     0      0        0
##  9  1017419  2017      361     1     0      1        0
## 10  1017419  2018      361     0     0      0        0
## # ℹ 21,644 more rows
## $natura2000
## # A tibble: 39,525 × 7
##    taxonKey  year classKey   obs  cobs ncells c_ncells
##       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1  1003567  2014      139     1     0      1        0
##  2  1003567  2015      139     0     0      0        0
##  3  1003567  2016      139     0     0      0        0
##  4  1003567  2017      139     0     0      0        0
##  5  1003567  2018      139     3     0      2        0
##  6  1003567  2019      139     0     0      0        0
##  7  1003567  2020      139     0     0      0        0
##  8  1003567  2021      139     0     0      0        0
##  9  1003567  2022      139     0     0      0        0
## 10  1003567  2023      139     0     0      0        0
## # ℹ 39,515 more rows

Add canonical names:

df_ts_compact <- purrr::map(df_ts_compact, function(df) {
  tidylog::left_join(df, spec_names, by = "taxonKey")

3 Modelling

In this section we evaluate the emerging status by applying a decision rule strategy or, where possible, a statistical model called GAM (Generalized Additive Models). For each evaluation year (see below) the output of both models is one of the following emerging status codes:

  • 3: emerging
  • 2: potentially emerging
  • 1: unclear
  • 0: not emerging

See documentation of trias::apply_decision_rules and trias::apply_gam() for more information.

3.1 Define evaluation period

We define the time window (in years) we want to assess the emerging status:

# Last evaluation year
last_year <- lubridate::year(Sys.Date()) - 2

# First evaluation year
first_year <- last_year - 2

# Evaluation years
evaluation_years <- seq(first_year, last_year)
## [1] 2020 2021 2022

We remove recent data due to publishing delay. Underestimation of the number of observations would sensibly affect the GAM output.

df_ts_compact <- purrr::map(
  function(df) df %>% tidylog::filter(year <= last_year)

3.2 Remove appearing taxa

Taxa appearing after the very first evalution year should be removed as no trend can be assesed for them. See analysis of appearing and reappearing taxa.

# Define function to remove appearing taxa from the data for modelling
remove_appearing_taxa <- function(df, min_eval_year) {
  df %>%
    # Filter to include only years before min(eval_years)
    tidylog::filter(year < min_eval_year) %>%
    # Group by taxonKey
    tidylog::group_by(taxonKey) %>%
    # Arrange by year within each group to ensure we get the first occurrence
    dplyr::arrange(year, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    # Filter to keep only the first year where obs > 0 for each taxon
    tidylog::slice(which(obs > 0)[1]) %>%
    # Keep only taxonKey
    tidylog::select(taxonKey) %>%
    # Ungroup to remove grouping
    tidylog::ungroup() %>%
    # Add data from the original data frame
    tidylog::left_join(df, by = "taxonKey")

# Apply the function to Belgium, its regions and the protected areas
df_ts_compact <- purrr::map(df_ts_compact,
  min_eval_year = min(evaluation_years)

spec_names <-
  spec_names %>%
    taxonKey %in%
        purrr::map_dfr(df_ts_compact, function(x) {
          x %>% dplyr::distinct(taxonKey)
        }), "taxonKey"

3.3 Decision rules

We define and apply some decision rules for occupancy and observations in all Belgium and in protected areas using function apply_decision_rules() from project package trias.

3.3.1 Observations

We apply function apply_decision_rules() to the observations:

# Define wrap function to apply decision rules for each evaluation year
apply_decision_rules_for_ev_years <- function(df, eval_years, y_var) {
    function(year) {
        df = df,
        y_var = y_var,
        eval_year = year

# Apply the wrap function to BE, regions and protected areas for observations
em_decision_rules_occs <- purrr::map(
  eval_years = evaluation_years,
  y_var = "obs"

Preview from Belgium:

em_decision_rules_occs %>%
  purrr::pluck("isBelgium") %>%
  tidylog::slice_head(n = 10)

Preview from the regions:

regions <- c("isFlanders", "isWallonia", "isBrussels")
  function(x) {
    em_decision_rules_occs %>%
      purrr::pluck(x) %>%
      tidylog::slice_head(n = 10)
## [[1]]
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    taxonKey  year em_status dr_1  dr_2  dr_3  dr_4 
##       <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
##  1  1003567  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  2  1008955  2020         0 FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  3  1014565  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  4  1017419  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  5  1031394  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  6  1031400  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  7  1031684  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  8  1031737  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  9  1031742  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
## 10  1043717  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
## [[2]]
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    taxonKey  year em_status dr_1  dr_2  dr_3  dr_4 
##       <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
##  1  1017419  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  2  1031394  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  3  1031400  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  4  1031684  2020         2 FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE
##  5  1031742  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  6  1043717  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  7  1045323  2020         0 TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  8  1047536  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  9  1119292  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
## 10  1309600  2020         2 FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE
## [[3]]
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    taxonKey  year em_status dr_1  dr_2  dr_3  dr_4 
##       <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
##  1  1017419  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  2  1031394  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  3  1031400  2020         0 TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  4  1031684  2020         0 TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  5  1031742  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  6  1047536  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  7  1095946  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  8  1152186  2020         2 FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE
##  9  1309600  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
## 10  1309606  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE

Preview from protected areas:

em_decision_rules_occs %>%
  purrr::pluck("natura2000") %>%
  tidylog::slice_head(n = 10)

3.3.2 Occupancy

We apply function trias::apply_decision_rules() to occupancy:

# Apply the wrap function to BE, regions and protected areas for occupancy
em_decision_rules_occupancy <- purrr::map(
  eval_years = evaluation_years,
  y_var = "ncells"

Preview from Belgium:

em_decision_rules_occupancy %>%
  purrr::pluck("isBelgium") %>%
  tidylog::slice_head(n = 10)

Preview from the regions:

regions <- c("isFlanders", "isWallonia", "isBrussels")
  function(x) {
    em_decision_rules_occupancy %>%
      purrr::pluck(x) %>%
      tidylog::slice_head(n = 10)
## [[1]]
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    taxonKey  year em_status dr_1  dr_2  dr_3  dr_4 
##       <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
##  1  1003567  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  2  1008955  2020         0 FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  3  1014565  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  4  1017419  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  5  1031394  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  6  1031400  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  7  1031684  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  8  1031737  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  9  1031742  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
## 10  1043717  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
## [[2]]
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    taxonKey  year em_status dr_1  dr_2  dr_3  dr_4 
##       <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
##  1  1017419  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  2  1031394  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  3  1031400  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  4  1031684  2020         2 FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE
##  5  1031742  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  6  1043717  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  7  1045323  2020         0 TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  8  1047536  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  9  1119292  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
## 10  1309600  2020         2 FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE
## [[3]]
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    taxonKey  year em_status dr_1  dr_2  dr_3  dr_4 
##       <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
##  1  1017419  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  2  1031394  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  3  1031400  2020         0 TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  4  1031684  2020         0 TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE
##  5  1031742  2020         1 TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  6  1047536  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  7  1095946  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
##  8  1152186  2020         3 FALSE TRUE  FALSE TRUE 
##  9  1309600  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
## 10  1309606  2020         1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE

Preview from protected areas:

em_decision_rules_occupancy %>%
  purrr::pluck("natura2000") %>%
  tidylog::slice_head(n = 10)

3.4 Generalized additive model (GAM)

We apply GAM to observations and occupancy in all Belgium, its regions and the protected areas using function trias::apply_gam() from project package trias.

Plots are saved in ./data/output/GAM_outputs directory:

dir_name_basic <- here::here("data", "output", "GAM_outputs")

We also define the plot dimensions in pixels:

plot_dimensions <- list(width = 2800, height = 1500)

We define also a wrap-up function, apply_gam_for_eval_years to apply GAM for each evaluation year and taxon:

# Define wrap function to apply GAM for every time series (Belgium, its regions
# and protected areas)
apply_gam_for_eval_years <- function(df,
                                     h) {
  # Remove "is" from "isBrussels", "isFlanders", "isWallonia" to create the
  # subdirectory to be added to the basic directory
  region <- stringr::str_remove(region, "^is")
  dir_name <- here::here(dir_name_basic, region)
  # Check if directory exists before creating
  if (!dir.exists(dir_name)) {
  taxon_keys <- unique(df$taxonKey)
  taxon_names <- unique(df$canonicalName)
  message(paste0("Applying GAM. Variable: ", y_var, "; region: ", region, "."))
  gam_occs <- map2(
    taxon_keys, taxon_names,
    function(t, n) {
      df_key <- df %>%
        dplyr::filter(taxonKey == t)
      class_key <- unique(df_key[["classKey"]])
      # Use covariate only if taxon belongs to a class (classKey is available)
      if (! {
        results_gam <- trias::apply_gam(
          df = df_key,
          y_var = y_var,
          taxonKey = "taxonKey",
          eval_years = eval_years,
          type_indicator = indicator,
          baseline_var = baseline_var,
          taxon_key = t,
          name = n,
          df_title = region,
          dir_name = dir_name,
          y_label = y_label,
          saveplot = TRUE,
          width = w,
          height = h
      } else {
        # If taxon doesn't belong to any class (classKey is not available), use
        # the default GAM model without covariate
        results_gam <- trias::apply_gam(
          df = df_key,
          y_var = y_var,
          taxonKey = "taxonKey",
          eval_years = eval_years,
          type_indicator = indicator,
          taxon_key = t,
          name = n,
          df_title = region,
          dir_name = dir_name,
          y_label = y_label,
          saveplot = TRUE,
          width = w,
          height = h
  names(gam_occs) <- taxon_keys

3.4.1 Observations

We apply GAM modelling by using the wrap-up function defined above to observations in Belgium, its regions and protected areas. This step can take long.

# Apply `apply_gam_for_eval_years` to observations:
gam_occs <- purrr::imap(
  eval_years = evaluation_years,
  y_var = "obs",
  indicator = "observations",
  baseline_var = "cobs",
  root_dir = dir_name_basic,
  y_label = "number of observations",
  w = plot_dimensions$width,
  h = plot_dimensions$height

Show results for Pinus sylvestris:

taxon_example <- "5285637"
purrr::map(gam_occs, function(x) {
  x %>%
    purrr::pluck(taxon_example) %>%
## $isBelgium

## $isFlanders

## $isWallonia

## $isBrussels

## $natura2000

3.4.2 Occupancy

We apply GAM modelling by using the wrap-up function defined above to occupancy in Belgium, its regions and protected areas. This step can take long.

gam_occupancy <- purrr::imap(
  eval_years = evaluation_years,
  y_var = "ncells",
  indicator = "occupancy",
  baseline_var = "c_ncells",
  root_dir = dir_name_basic,
  y_label = "occupancy (km2)",
  w = plot_dimensions$width,
  h = plot_dimensions$height

Show results for Pinus Sylvestris:

purrr::map(gam_occupancy, function(x) {
  x %>%
    purrr::pluck(taxon_example) %>%
## $isBelgium

## $isFlanders

## $isWallonia

## $isBrussels

## $natura2000

4 Save results

4.1 Decision rules

Save emerging status based on decision rules:

# Define function to save the results for Belgium, its regions and protected
# areas
save_decision_rules_output <- function(df, region, indicator) {
  # Remove "is" from "isBrussels", "isFlanders", "isWallonia" for a better filename
  region <- stringr::str_remove(region, "^is")
    x = df,
    file = here::here(
      "data", "output",
      paste0("output_decision_rules_", indicator, "_", region, ".tsv")
    na = ""

# Apply function to save decision rules outputs applied to occurrences
purrr::iwalk(em_decision_rules_occs, function(df, region) {
  save_decision_rules_output(df, region, indicator = "occs")

# Apply function to save decision rules outputs applied to occupancy
purrr::iwalk(em_decision_rules_occupancy, function(df, region) {
  save_decision_rules_output(df, region, indicator = "occupancy")

4.2 GAM models

Save complete outputs and summaries:

# Define function to save GAM model outputs and summaries for Belgium, its
# regions and protected areas
save_gam_output <- function(gam_results,
                            indicator) {
  # Remove "is" from "isBrussels", "isFlanders", "isWallonia" for a better filename
  region <- stringr::str_remove(region, "^is")
  # Save outputs
    # Merge the outputs of all taxa as a data.frame for saving
      function(x) {
    na = "",
    file = here::here(
      paste0("output_GAM_", indicator, "_", region, ".tsv")

  # Save summaries
    # Merge the summaries of all taxa as a data.frame for saving
      function(x) {
    na = "",
    file = here::here(
      paste0("summary_GAM_", indicator, "_", region, ".tsv")

# Apply function to save GAM outputs applied to ocurrences
purrr::iwalk(gam_occs, function(df, region) {
  save_gam_output(df, region, indicator = "occs")

# Apply function to save decision rules outputs applied to occupancy
purrr::iwalk(gam_occupancy, function(df, region) {
  save_gam_output(df, region, indicator = "occupancy")

4.3 Plots

We create a zip file with all generated GAM plots:

folder_path <- here::here("data", "output", "GAM_outputs")

# Get relative paths of PNG files
png_files <- list.files(folder_path,
  pattern = "\\.png$",
  recursive = TRUE

# Change working directory temporarily
old_wd <- getwd()

# Create zip file
zip(zipfile = "", files = png_files)

# Restore working directory

# Move zip file to the desired location (if needed)
  file.path(folder_path, ""),
  here::here("data", "output", "GAM_outputs", "")